Dopplex® Ability Automatic ABI System
Automatic Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) System | Vascular Assessment
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Vascular Assessment | Documentation & Reporting
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Product Overview
Dopplex® DR4 Patient Record Software – Electronic Patient Record Software
Dopplex DR4 is a unique vascular reporting software package for use in conjunction with the Dopplex ABility.
It enables automated ABIs to be undertaken and saved in a patient database. It also provides full page documented hard-copy printouts and pdf file capability for interfacing to Electronic Patient Record Systems. It is easily installed and does not require any modification to your computer.
Features & Benefits
• Automatic ABI Studies with PVR Waveforms
• Compatible with Windows 7, 8.1 and 10
• USB cable is included for Ability
Featured Video
Top tips – How to undertake an ankle brachial index (ABI) with the Dopplex Ability Automatic ABI System.
Type : Brochure
Type : Brochure