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Patient Monitoring
For US enquiries please visit Huntleigh Healthcare – US
Product Overview
Smartsigns Compact 500 Vital Signs Monitor – Supporting Clinical Decision Making in Any Environment
Maximise your productivity at the touch of a button by selecting either a numerical SPOT display or traditional WAVEFORM display.
The attractive design with its integrated touch screen and intuitive screen layout maximises the care givers’ productivity. Functions are carried out using a ‘point and press’ operation. Using the smart interface, users have the choice of selecting a large numerical display or switching to a more traditional two waveform layout to display patient status.
Features & Benefits
Providing caregivers with a flexible platform, the SC500 base configuration provides users with a standard set of monitoring capabilities – BP, Pulse Rate and Oxygen Saturation; in areas where additional vital signs need to be monitored, users can select from the options listed below to include a number of options designed to address these needs:
Base configuration BP, SpO2 and Pulse Rate
Option 1 ECG (I, II III lead)
Option 2 Nellcor Oximax™ SpO2
Option 3 Temperature (Tympanic thermometer)
Option 4 Integrated two channel printer
Patient measurements and observations are enhanced through the provision of the early warning scoring system (MEWS and NEWS2 systems).
The integrated scoring tool provides users with a standardized method of identifying changes with patient status, it also has the potential to reduce the number of data input errors when compared with manual methods of recording.
Each monitoring option is supported by user programmable three level alarm function, this essential feature helps reduce alarm fatigue and supports best practice. Furthermore, the alarm priorities and levels can be set to match any existing departmental protocol.
To support effective patient management and efficient record keeping, the large internal memory can store, transfer and recall up to 200 sets of measurements.
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Type : Brochure Editions : Patient Monitoring
Type : IFU Editions : Patient Monitoring
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Explore Our Academy ResourcesHuntleigh offers comprehensive product service and support contracts which are designed to protect your investment.
Huntleigh Healthcare is pleased to be able to offer our service as an experienced and established repair facility for our Diagnostic Products Division’s equipment.
Huntleigh have experienced staff that have been repairing Huntleigh and Sonicaid™ equipment for many years, providing support for hospitals and support organisations.
Working in partnership, we aim to provide you with support wherever and whenever it’s needed.
For support in the first instance please contact your local distributor or agent, we are represented in many parts of the world with trained and experienced partners so provide a high level of quality support.
Huntleigh’s product range gives you a variety of ways to address your clinical challenges, but sometimes it can be tricky to know what solution is best. If you’re not sure, our team is always available to answer any queries and make sure you get the perfect solution for you.
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